If you have a collection of Third Positionist materials that you would like to donate to us, please send us an email so we can discuss the material you have, and the best way for us to receive it. This material will be kept in a secure location where it can be digitized and made available to the general public through our website, as well as physically preserved for historical records. 

We are interested in photos, videos, audio recordings, flyers, pamphlets, trifolds, art, magazines, newspapers, private correspondence, organizational records, uniforms, artifacts, sticker, promo cards, journals, FOIA’s and government documents. 

folktrove (at) proton . me


Want to help Folktrove? Add a link to your website or blog to Folktrove! This will increase the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by triggering search engine algorithms to increase the ranking of our website, ensuring that more people find it! Furthermore, it will allow those viewing your website or blog to stumble across our digital library!


The Folktrove website was designed with researchers in mind. In order to better serve users, Folktrove adds “tags” to each webpage to increase the search functionality. These tags include information about each item listed such as the name of the publication, authors, organizations, and more. While it is easy for us to list the basics of each item, we simply do not have time to read through every document we upload, which often list the names of dozens of individuals and organizations.

By writing down the names of every organization and individual you encounter in a document, you can help us improve the searchability of Folktrove’s website by emailing them to us when you are done!

folktrove (at) proton . me